Tuesday, March 31, 2020

21A- Reading Reflection No.2

Shoe Dog by Phil Knight
1) What was the general theme or argument of the book?
Shoe Dog is an autobiography of Phil Knight, the founder of Nike. Phil Knight founded one of the most iconic and profitable brands in the modern era. The book about Phil Knight, one of the wealthiest people on the planet. Phil Knight has always loved sports and has been known to run about seven miles every day. Phil argues that being young and taking chances when there isn’t much to lose is worth the gamble. Phil notes many times he has taken chances that have transpired into many opportunities.
2) How did the book, in your opinion, connect with and enhance what you are learning in ENT 3003?
Upon graduating college, Knight entered Stanford Graduate School of Business, where one of his professors described the “character of an entrepreneur.” Phil instantly realized that he fit those characteristics and became obsessed with Japanese, high-end, low-cost running shoes in the US. Upon graduating from Stanford, Knight stopped in Japan on his post-graduation trip. This can be compared to this exact class, where professor has described what it takes to be an entrepreneur. Professor has also provided us with many resources and literature based on what it takes to be an entrepreneur.
3) If you had to design an exercise for this class, based on the book you read, what would that exercise involve?
I would create an assignment where students would list their favorite quotes and characteristics shown by Knight and compare them to themselves through experiences these students have had in the past. These students would then dive deep into this book and find out what it takes to succeed in the business world. These characteristics and quotes will not guarantee the success that Phil Knight has had, though it will give you a chance. I think allowing each student to pick and choose their favorite quotes, while comparing them to their own real-life experiences would allow these students to see the “Phil Knight” in themselves.
4) What was your biggest surprise or 'aha' moment when reading the book? In other words, what did you learn that differed most from your expectations?
After reading a book by Mark Cuban, I realized how normal a guy Cuban is. I see many similarities in Phil Knight. Phil Knight noted 3 major lessons about life, building the path for creating the brand that has become Nike. Phil Knight notes that if you are young and don’t have as much to lose, it’s better to go for broke than not. The second is to get a mentor and a partner on board, who believes in you and your skills. Finally, in this book Knight has explained that sometimes you cannot tell people how to do certain things. Being too possessive can be counterproductive. This has been eye opening and very inspiring as it gives hope to many hopeful entrepreneurs who dream of "making it big."


  1. Hey Jake,
    i really enjoyed reading your review on Shoe dog. A lot of people who have made it big talk about taking risks at young age, because even though it might seem we have alot to lose, we can recover it all back easily. Whats nice to see is how Phil took motivation and inspiration to come up with an idea sitting in class. I especially liked your exercise idea for the class because this way students might actually end up reading the book. overall great job!

  2. Hey Jake,
    I think that Shoe Dog is a really good book, I think that people can learn a lot from it. I also really like your idea of the project, finding their favorite quotes and characteristics shown by Knight and comparing them to themselves. I think that the project would really help the students, and I think that it is a great idea.
