Tuesday, February 11, 2020

9A- Testing the Hypothesis

Who: Are there certain people or certain businesses that, although they share a lot in common with the others in your opportunity, nevertheless fall outside the boundary? Why?
The 5 different entities I interviewed included one student currently in student loan debt, a graduate student free of student loans, a bank employee, a government official, and a professor. All five of the people I interviewed, inside or out of the boundaries, all provided useful content towards my proposal. Most of the interviewees believe that for qualifying students, a government subsidy should be included in government spending. With the inclusion of many other mysterious spending habits of the government, high level education should be among the priority.
What: At what point does the need you identified differ from another need?
The need that I identified, student loan debt, is a rather particular sub-topic on the overall problem of interest rates on loans. Though, building high credit by paying your student loans can increase the opportunity for a higher credit score later on in life.  This is one of the benefits of acquiring student loans, though it can put a financial halt to the financial planning of many. This does not apply to every college student, but obviously does apply to those who acquire these loans. Another area that is relatable to student loans are predatory small businesses. Companies that sell loans to vulnerable small businesses is a similar tactic used by companies providing loans to college students for tuition.
Why: Is the underlying cause of the outsiders' need different than people who are inside the boundary?
I believe everyone interviewed pertained to the topic but weren’t necessarily all affected by this topic. One government official does not have the power to simply change government spending and create a subsidy using government mandated money. A state Senator is even an unlikely candidate to spur this idea into action by oneself. The bank employee is also incapable of simply changing the student loan interest rate but does understand this can be problematic for many students. He explained that he attempts to provide each student with the best opportunity to succeed, which is how he gets paid. The one student interviewed affected by student debt explained that through proper help from financial professionals and his family, he was able to secure a reasonable loan for his 4-year tenure at the University of Florida. The other student identified qualified for Bright Futures and receives his tuition paid for by the state, while having to maintain a B+ average. The professor preferred not to speak on the political/fiscal side, but believes that student loan interest rates should not put students at a disadvantage upon graduating.
In conclusion, more college student than not would agree that lowering the interest rates on loans and providing a collegiate government subsidy for qualifying students would provide many students and future generations of college students the opportunity to “hit the ground running.” With the current financial instability of the economy, I believe the government investing in the future generations of college students would put the United States in a great position for the betterment of the future. This will allow college graduates the opportunity to own cars, houses and acquire assets earlier in their lives.

Inside the Boundary
Outside the Boundary
College students, future college students
Banks/Independent Loan companies, wealthy investors, professors, university employees, etc.
The need is to lower interest rates on student loans or provide a government subsidy for qualifying students.
The need is to eliminate these interest rates, at least until a recent college graduate is able to become financially stable.  
This problem exists due to the economic market for loans to college students. A government subsidy would be a countrywide assistance for students.
These people are on the economic “right side” of this topic.  


  1. I loved what you wrote here and it was very in depth. I feel like this resonates with me very well because of me being a college student. Some of my friends do not even realize the difference between sub loans and unsub loans. I would personally try to make government loans for school be subsidized for everyone.

  2. Hi Jake, I really liked how you showed the similarities between small business loans and student loans. I could see a lot of relations between the two and how they usually are predatory loans. I also feel that you correctly signified who would be inside and outside of your boundary/market. I believe this is a very important and current problem.
